Kompenzo: Вашият Партньор в Борбата за Справедливост и Отшетние
Когато нещата се объркат и вие или ваш близък преживеете лично нараняване, може да бъде трудно и стресово време. В тези моменти е от съществено значение да имате надежден партньор до себе си, някой, който разбира вашите нужди и е посветен на борбата -
VikingGenetics is one of the leading cattle genetics companies in the world
At VikingGenetics, they pride themselves on being one of the leading cattle genetics companies in the world. They provide science-based bovine genetic products and solutions for progressive dairy and beef producers around the world, helping them to a -
Are you into cattle breeding? Then this article is for you!
Cattle breeding is a crucial part of agriculture in the Nordic countries, and VikingGenetics have been recording both their health as well as performance for decades. For example, they record data on how cows behave when they’re sick or injured